Once I was inside the Portuguese security guard (and I discovered later, the everything man) showed me the shul and my sleeping arrangements. If you want to know how to say "where do i sleep?" in Portugese, don't ask me. But if you want to know how to mime sleeping, apparently he understand what I needed. He took me up to the room. A small one window room, with shutters permanantly closed, a single bunk bed and shared space with miscellaneous Lubavitcher clutter - apparently its also a storage room. The one issue I had with the free arrangements was that the toilet was missing a toilet seat. Apparently the phrase: "Gentleman, lift the seat" was misunderstood. (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd_hZ-u7GVQ). But still, I'm not one to complain. So I placed my stuff down and headed back down to the shul to wait for Mincha. The Lubavitch Barra headquarters is a sugya in bava kamma. Its a large courtyard seperated into smaller courtyards and structures. The entrance has two doors (extra security) and then opens to a small patio. The shul is right in front, and then behind the shul is a kitchen, more bathrooms, and the Rav's familys' living quarters. There is also a small soccer court and a child's playground. Its a cute little setup, if you're into feeling like you're living in the Alamo. The Rav, who speaks Hebrew and Portuguese, is very kind and asked if I wanted coffee and cake. I said no thank you, and sat down and blogged away. About five minutes later he brought me four pieces of cake and some "Brazilian coffee" which I was to drink and enjoy. (Apparently my no thank you was not accepted as truth). In truth, the coffee wasn't bad. The fact that my bathroom had no toilet seat was bad.
All in all Shabbos was nice and quiet. Like every shul this shul had its cast of characters, albeit in Portuguese. The old men who walk around the shul saying good shabbos to everyone. The ones who come Friday excited and raving about Shabbos, but are nowhere to be found on Shabbos morning. The guy who thinks he's Jewish, but he's not. I commented to the Rav that its like all small communities around the world. "Yea" he said, "its all the same nation." That was true. A kiddush followed the Friday night davening, so we didn't finally eat until about 10pm. There I spoke Hebrew to the Rav and Rebbetzin, they spoke Portugese to each other and the 2 kids at the table and we discovered the grandmother knew English, so she and I spoke English. It was wonderful to be able to eat real food again, and the kugels and chicken and salads were very welcome. We ended at 1145pm, and though my AC kept waking me up during the night, the starting time 10am shachris allowed me to make up on sleep. I meandered down around 9, and learned. The Rav informed me that 10 is "suggested" and in fact a minyan had not arrived until close to 1045am. I was asked to say maftir, and then was told to do Mussaf as well. This was the first time I lained a haftorah with my name in it, and the first time I davened for a minyan where the only shared language between us was the words we were davening during mussaf! After davening everyone ate together in the shul, which was quite lovely. A few people spoke English and made conversation. Following lunch we davened Mincha and then I hit my high bed sack for several hours. Once again, Maariv was suggested 805, and we finally scrambled a minyan together at about 9pm. Before high-tailing it out of there, I asked the Rav if he could suggest a restaurant in Copacabana to eat the next day. He said (in hebrew of course): "Yes, Shelanu!" "Oh very nice" I said, "so what's the name of it?" He said: "Shelanu!" I said: "Its yours? or Chabad's or...?" He said: "No, the name of it is Shelanu!". Oh! we laughed. That's a silly name. Sunday was to be a lot more fun.
Sunday morning I woke up and went to work. I wanted to finish early so I could go out and see the city. Eventually I planned out the day, and the front desk told me if i get a cab to Copacabana I can catch Anthony at IndianaJungle Tours in a jeep ride around the city. Fun! I took a cab, and as I walked up to the hotel, Anthony pulled up. It was an open back jeep, with Kate and Hillary from Florida and California respectively. I buckled up which consisted of pulling down the roller coaster seatbelt bar. We drove around the city.

So we moved on, and came back to the museum later. Out next stop was the famous Rio steps. An artist decided to tile a series of steps in old Rio with mosaics. Its become a big tourist trap. People from around the world have sent their own mosaics and the artist glued them to the wall as well. Its cute. Not much more to say about it than that. Back in the jeep we drove around downtown. There is modern architecture mixed with some very impressive and old architecture.

Today was much less exciting. I finished up my work today, with a one hour break to the mall for some final gifts and shopping. I do hope tomorrow will be exciting. Flight home is set for 8pm.