Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day 5 in the ICU

812am: I walked into the room right after shachris, and he was half awake, his eyes peeking through beneath drooping eyelids.  I walked in and started talking to him and immediately his eyelids popped up and he started looking around.
815am: I was just kicked out of the ICU for doctors rounds.  Fraidy and I are a bit on pins and needles, as we're hoping today will be a big day.  The baby's numbers look good, his diapers are full, and the wheels have been set into motion to begin taking him off the sedation medication and begin letting him breathe on his own a little.
Yesterday afternoon, the nurse said that she turned the respirator down a notch to see how his breathing would be, but she didn't like the results, so she put it back up.  This doesnt surprise me, he is still on a heavy sedative, so I wouldn't expect his lungs to be pushing too hard.  After doctor's rounds, we should know more about what the plan is for today, but we're hoping its all good news.

Here's hoping for the best.

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