Wednesday, December 24, 2014

We're pros now

The end is near.  Rumors are flying that very soon we will be released and let loose like canadian geese flying south for the winter.  (There isn't something deeper to that metaphor, it's the first thing that came to my mind, and I don't know why).
The baby ate well today, both from bottles and he nursed three times today from Fraidy.  He is making nicely, and he didn't lose weight which is a good thing.
They told us today that in order to give us our freedom, we will need to show we have the medications.  I went for a wild goose chase to get them all.  Luckily I brought with us the Fucid that I had from the house, because that will take 2-3 days to prepare at SuperPharm.  But just in case I needed another newer model, I did my due diligence to get the prescription.  But there is also a prescription for another medicine, Medicine #2.  Its also a diuretic.  Apparently, he needs two kinds of medicine to really get everything out.  Here is a summarized play by play of how I finally got the medication:

  1. I was given the clalit prescription from the doctors here.
  2. I scanned it into my phone and emailed it my pediatrician.  (I need meuhedet prescriptions of course).
  3. I waited until 3, and called the doctor's office.
  4. 1500, 1505, 1510, no answer.  I called the doctor's personal cell.  He told me the office opens at 1600.
  5. Meanwhile I went down to the pharmacy here in the off chance I can afford to buy the drugs privately.
  6. The drugs cost ~400 shekels!
  7. I went back to the secretary, told her it will cost 400 shekels!
  8. She yelled: "400 SHEKELS! HAVE THEY LOST THEIR MIND?!"  She called the pharmacy.  Confirmed.  sorta.  between 280 and 400 shekels.  yes, they've lost their mind.  To prepare syrup medications for 1 month babies who do not have clalit, need a second mortgage on their home.
  9. I waited till 1600.  Called the secretary, asked her to remind the doctor to prepare the prescriptions.
  10. 1620 - the doctor emailed me the prescriptions were on the way. 
  11. Ran upstairs, no fax.  Called the doctor's office, asked for the fax.  Got the fax.
  12. Went to maariv.
  13. Went to the biggest freaking mall in the world, called: The Petach Tikva Big Mall.
  14. SuperPharm doesn't have medication #2 in pill version, and it will take at least 2 business days to make medicine #1 and medicine #2 syrup versions.  They "may" have it ready Sunday.  I ordered it.  48 shekels.
  15. Went to get supper.  Still nervous about the medicine #2, the pills.
  16. Called a pharamcist in Jerusalem. He has it.  Searched on google for pharmacies in Petach Tikva that take meuchedet.  Started making phone calls.  
    1. no answer.
    2. he has it, too far away, will be closed in 15 minutes.
    3. Looked on map for a place nearby, found one.  called them, he's got it.  Waze: 7 minutes.
  17. Zaidy returns with dinner in hand, off to the pharamacy.
  18. No parking spots in site... shocker.
  19. Park in the bus lane to the central bus station, blinking lights, Zaidy and the food in the car.
  20. Run into the pharmacy.  BAM!   i just stepped into 1960s Petach Tikva.  Two people by the counter.  186 years old.... each.  moldy shelves.  dusty shampoo.  BenGay box, manufactured: 1913. 
    1. Hand him the paper.  
    2. He wont accept a fax.  Only originals.
    3. Tangential conversation about whether or not my personal physician would accept non original checks.  Pull them back to the issue.
    4. They warn me I will have to pay for the pills.  Fine.  How much?
    5. They prepare the order... how much?
    6. I could have run to Yerushalayim in the time it takes Miracle Max and Valerie here to prepare this.  How much?
    7. 11.80 NIS.  ok, I think i can manage that.
    8. Long needless conversation about how to cut up the pills.  Apparently a pill cutter is no good.  I need to use box cutters.  I say no thank you, I'm not trying to hijack a plane.
    9. He tells me to have fun storming the castle.
  1. And that's how I got medicine number #2.  The shwarma was delicious, thank you Zaidy.

We have a roommate now, a nice Ethiopian women who's baby was taken in for surgery today.  She thought they would have a cathertization, it turns out it was open heart and she wasn't prepared for that.  Thankfully the baby came out of surgery alright, but now she wasn't prepared for how she looks. We showed graphic pictures of Norman, and then showed her our beautiful prize sleeping peacefully.  I think she liked that.
Fraidy is sleeping with Norman tonight, she's back on nursing duty.  I get to sleep in a comfortable bed tonight.


  1. I loved that story, especially the part about whether or not your personal physician would accept non original checks. Typical 1960s Petah Tikva!

  2. You ever get all psyched and adrenaline pumped about something and then you smack face first into a wall? It was like that.

  3. Miracle Max and Valerie weren't THAT old...
