Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Way Home is Riddled With Nurses and Doctors

There was a small chance that maybe we could have gotten out today.  That was clearly very premature.  I'm not sure how we got that feeling, I don't even remember now.  Life here is so full with ups and downs, its hard to remember what happened an hour ago.
I think the reason why we thought there was a chance we could go was possibly because he was eating nicely, nursing nicely, not crying from pain and managing good stats.
Today, there seems to be a different story. And part of it is because today's nurse is a real class act.  We had our first run in with her when she saw we had bathed the baby.  She asked us if we knew how to bathe, and we said we got instructions yesterday, but now she said those instructions were wrong.  And continued to berate us about how we don't listen, do whatever we want and kept saying over and over "חבל" and then told us to wait for her.  So we wrapped him in a blanket and put a diaper on him, and waited.  And waited.  And waited.
This morning we also weighed him and he was down 50 grams from yesterday.  Thats not a great thing.
After waiting for her royal majesty we decided it prudent to dress the baby and cover his war wounds. 
When the nurse finally came (the topic of today's Far Side comic) she told us about how to clean the cut on the chest, and bathe him.  Let it be noted publicly, we had done everything right, except cleaning the cut.  (that's not to say we didn't need to bathe him, but we certainly didn't deserve the russian disciplinary actions.)  Then we talked about his weight.  She said it could be because of the fusid that he is pushing out more than he is getting in.  We asked her what we can do about it.  She said we can supplement with some formula between feedings.  But left the issue very vague and didn't give an opinion one way or the other. 
We decided we would give a half milk bottle and half formula and see if that helps at all. 

Today is also test day. We did an EKG and a blood test, and now we're waiting for an xray and echo.  Who knows? Maybe everything everything will go well and we can go home.... Wishful thinking right? 


  1. About wishful thinking it has been said: "If we wish not in our thoughts, what then shall we wish?"
    See if you can identify the author of that quote.

    1. Hint: contrary to popular belief, it's not Golda Meir

  2. I'm just gonna guess, Winston Churchill? Abraham Lincoln? Ben Franklin?

  3. That was my next guess. Its a good quote. You should patent it.
