Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Of Nurses and Men, The End is Near

The Morphine and Dormicum has been turned off.  The baby cries and his voice is scratchy and weak, but its there.  The nurse felt he was probably in pain from something so she brought him some Acomal.  We tried giving him a pacifier, but I didn't want to force it, and he kept pushing it out.  Looks like he's going to need a little sucking therapy.  We'll know more when we try to feed him.
They told us his bilirubin count is too low (its at nine), I find this quite ironic, since we spent his first three weeks fighting a high bilirubin count.  The doctor explained that after surgery, the body is in shock and slows down blood production. Therefore they want to push some more blood into him, so he is getting a liter of fresh blood now.
The good news is the doctor confirmed he will likely be out of the ICU today, sometime in the next few hours.  At that point we will be able to hold him and dress him and show him off to his family.
His nurse today is getting negative parents points from us.  She's terse and impatient with us, making us feel like she'd prefer we weren't in here.  After a week, she was the first who told us we can't eat in here.  Nevermind the other nurses all eat and talk on their phones.  Hopefully, we'll be out of her hair soon enough.
The baby switches between sleeping and awake often.  I think he is either uncomfortable or in pain from something.  Plus you know, a big wire going up his nose down his esophagus might be uncomfortable.
Thats all to report for now.  Happy Channukah everyone.


  1. Uncomfortable or in pain from something? Take him to the pediatrician. Could be an ear infection, but probably just teething.

  2. Nah, I'm sure it's just a virus. Nothing to do about it...
