Tuesday, December 23, 2014

He's Out!

It's late. It's been a super long crazy day. Here's some quick updates.
After getting a blood transfusion they finally got around to releasing Norman from the ICU.  It was about 4pm when we got our room.  The timing while hectic, was also great because the kids and my parents were here so they all got to see him.
All medications were removed, and now it's a question of eating. Unknown to us at the time, that's turning out to be a more difficult question than we hoped. The baby is having trouble taking down a bottle, as he keeps gagging every few milliliters. After five to ten minutes of trying, if it doesn't work, the nurses pull out into the infuser and infuse it into the pipe still connected to his nose.
Tonight we are roommates. The nurse will come in in an hour and a half for the first feeding of my shift, and then again three hours later. It's gonna be a busy night. Fraidy is sleeping peacefully in the apartment. She deserves it.  Tomorrow she will releive me while I go get a little nap.
That's the plan. That's how we survive. Norman is having pep talks to explain how serious this is and how the gagging must stop.  So far the success rate is about as good as my high school basketball team... Not very.
Better get to bed. I'll try more tomorrow, or perhaps during the night if im wide awake.
Why is it so hot in here?
Why do my roommates think it's OK to have two adults in their space and talk the whole night?  Not ok.

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