Monday, December 15, 2014

Signing in

We have arrived at Schneider's hospital.  As far as hospitals go, it could be worse.  (Alyn, for example, is worse).  We've been put into the system, and are now waiting for the battery of tests scheduled for today to begin.  They gave us a nice checklist of activities that we will check off for today, including meeting with the doctors, surgeon and nurse, as well as an Xray and miscenallaneous other activities.
Either way, we're waiting.  Waiting to be called to start the tests.  In the meantime our overloaded car is waiting in a hot parking lot, and I'm anxious to unload it.  Some wonderful people have hooked us up with a "chareidi apartment".  Supposedly it's nice.  If we can unload our stuff there, and its a comfortable place, that will make these next few weeks much more bearable.

Next update, once i've got time to sit and ponder...

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